Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Congressman Crowley Will Help Save Our Economy.

Congressman Joseph Crowley the eloquent Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and Member of the prestigious and powerful Committee on Ways and Means is gearing up to help all Americans recover from this depression economy. Congressman Crowley is serving his sixth term in Congress, and he is a true advocate of the middle class,the working class, and the poor.
Few Members of the Congress are as so savvy as Representative Crowley, who represents the area of The East Bronx, and Queens, New York in Congress. Look for Congressman Crowley to work hard for all Americans during these difficult economic times.

Th World Is In A Depression.

The Right Honorable Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland, addressed the Congress of the United States this morning in Washington, D.C. and he called on the United States through its elected leaders, to work with Britain in restoring the World economy. A few things are prevalent that make the Primer Minister's remarks today quite thoughtful.
FIRST: Our economy is sliding into a depression, and so is the World, although no one will admit it.
SECOND: Our Economic Stimulus package will not begin to reap benefits until at least the next 6 months. We could be in for some tough times before the recovery starts.
THIRD: Until we outlaw off shore banks and shadow banking practices, we will always be held hostage to shady bankers!
President Barack Obama is on the right track having signed a new economic recovery package, but we must give him the benefit of working this package through. Republicans have become the party of nothing! The Party of "No".
They are heralding their own death as a viable political entity.
We are in a depression. Believe it.